
The intention of this set is to pick up where Sparrows Night School left off. These custom locks have been filed, punched, and polished all by hand. Get ready for a lesson that will give any advanced lock picker the challenge of their nightmares. 

HAND CARFTED BY KNOX LOCKS: Here comes Krampus!" a box full of surprised

Description by KNOX LOCKS
Did you miss Christmas?
Did Christmas miss you?

If you're reading this, Chances are,
you were already on the Naughty list anyway.
Well you better get ready because:

Here Comes Krampus!

However before you can Escape Krampus, you must defeat his 3 minions. 

This set contains the following:

 1) the Icy Imp (Blue key 5 pin) To unfreeze this core & secure the open. You're going to need to overcome a combination of:
Serrated top pins & a matching Serrated core with alternating 3mm & 4mm cuts for deeper threaded modifications. Making a Truly unique picking experience. 

 2) the Green Grinch (Green key 5 pin)
 "If you have hands, you'll have to hold the Grinch"
This lock matches the Grinch's Up & down,Back & Forth Shenanigans. 
As you'll be going back n forth setting and resetting these Sparrows Spool pins. This is assuming you make it through the Undercut counter milling in the core.
You will either conquer the Grinch or...

Hate, hate, hate. Hate, hate, hate. Double hate. LOATHE ENTIRELY!

 3) the Frozen Demon (Red key 5 pin) to help contain this guys trickery. You're going to need Nothing short of an Alternating arrangement of Mushroom top pins,as well as the variety of Alternating Brass & Steel springs. 
Definitely makes for a lesson Tension.

a combination of Serrations & Undercut counter milling. Take advantage of the Mushrooms double usage. 
Whether Down as a Spool (Undercut) or Up for the Taper (Serrated). 
It Doubles the defenses against this quite chaotic demon.

 4) Here's...Krampus (Black Key) 
Finally it's your time to take on a one of a kind Challenge lock.
Stuffed inside is Sparrows Scrooge pins,(Inspired by Lock Noob) along with counter milling & Serrated snares in every direction. Hopefully you can escape Krampus.
Until Next year at least...

Each lock is "Chopped & Screwed" by Knox Locks. 

Meaning All modifications are Hand filed, Dremeled, Threaded, Counter milled and Undercut in the Dark Heart of "Dirty Jersey"

Every modification is done by hand with intensions and Direction of serving your Learning experience.

The filing, the milling, the threading & the longest part is the sand paper hand finish.
Using up to 7,000 grits of sand to polish each lock to perfection. Provides a pleasurable picking experience as the feedback is loud & clear due to the Pristinely Polished lock. 

Utilizing the "Chopped & Screwed" modification,(implemented by Knox Locks) you can swap: Keys, Cores, Top & Bottom pins Faster than a New York minute!

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