For most the hardest part of learning to pick locks open is visualising what your tools are doing inside the lock. Clearly, a window in the side of a lock is a huge advantage to picking a lock open. Seeing your picks interact with the pins. Knowing what pins are set and what pins still need to be worked on. It makes opening a lock so much easier and significantly reduces the amount of time it takes to learn lockpicking. Cutaway locks help you learn what it feels like when you lift a pin, set a pin or over-set a pin because you can see your tools interact with the lock.
Cut Away Lock with Check PinsCut Away Lock with Check Pins
Sparrows Clear Acrylic Practice LockSparrows Clear Acrylic Practice Lock
From $30.00
Spool pinsCut away lock Spool pins
Cut away LockStandard pin Cut away Lock
Serrated PinsCut Away Lock Serrated Pins
Practice lock Core TrainerPractice Lock: Core Trainer

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